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Adelaide, SA recent comments:

  • Rose Park Primary School, bartchick1 (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    oh my god, how many fucking times do i have to kill you
  • Fremont Elizabeth City High School, courtney101 (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    i will be going to this school soon
  • Salisbury Downs Primary School, leighbo (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    heyy this alicia le and i think my skool iz da best :)
  • Port Noarlunga Oval, beach fun (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    fun fun fun
  • McDonalds, starshine 93 (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    i realy love maccas cause day got da chipy's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hewitt Primary School, : (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Hewett is Gaaaaaay, and the Japanese class isnt good.
  • Junk/Fast Food Corner/Junction, dazzam wrote 15 years ago:
    Junk food Corner actually refers to this intersection with Fast food outlets on each of the corners of the intersection, and 'not' the nearby Southgate Plaza.
  • ( site of ) Old Domestic Terminal Building, Didz wrote 15 years ago:
    I think it might be fine to delete. Will have to check Wikimapia guidelines.
  • fulton hogan cmpd?, Didz wrote 15 years ago:
  • Kellogg Brown & Root Pty Ltd (KBR), dazzam wrote 15 years ago:
    I agree. Found it!
  • Khu vực nhà bà 10, dazzam wrote 15 years ago:
    Name loosely translates from Vietnamese to "Area of her". Also, Viet. text should not be in (en)language field. This should probably be deleted.
  • ( site of ) Old Domestic Terminal Building, dazzam wrote 15 years ago:
    This place will need to be deleted the next time the satellite images get updated as this building has now been demolished.
  • City of Charles Sturt, dazzam wrote 15 years ago:
    You suggest not doing this? I assumed something like this was ok: Perhaps I should break it down to just the suburbs, more like around Brisbane?
  • City of Charles Sturt, Didz wrote 15 years ago:
    Is this really necessary? It makes it a bit of a mess.
  • Woodville Park Oval, typho0n (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    its saint Clair oval
  • McDonalds, ucaina (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    lina -vietnam
  • Noodle Box, AMERIC (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    vietnam -ucraina
  • Ingle Farm Primary School, ds080196 (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
  • Stradbroke Junior and Primary Schools, Arshdeep' s School , yourmom (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    except dicks like Matthew keep teasing and lieing about people. It fucking sucks
  • Palms Mawson Lakes Golf Club, gunner (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    dry but tough course and there r much worse courses!!!